Meet the Bystander Trainers

Bystander Intervention Trainers teach their peers about the importance of speaking out and standing up to prevent sexual violence from occuring. They are part of a social movement that seeks to create a change in campus culture, and form a community of people who refuse to stand by in the face of violence. Read on to learn more about our team!

Lead Trainers

Erin Sudbey

Erin Sudbey

Erin is a senior from Newtown, CT majoring in International Studies with a minor in Hispanic Studies. Erin spent her junior spring abroad in Ecuador, honing in on her Spanish skills and exploring the beautiful nature and culture Ecuador has to offer. Passionate about sexual violence prevention, she has been a Bystander Trainer since sophomore year and has loved giving presentations to first-year students and having insightful discussions on how to make BC's campus safe for all! Erin is also part of the new initiative Free, Period. which stocks various bathrooms on campus with free menstrual products to bring awareness to period poverty, make feminine hygiene products accessible, and fight the stigma against menstruation. In her free time, Erin loves to spend time getting outside and being active. You can find her running around the reservoir, rock climbing at the plex, and at spin class!

Sam Yeh

Sam Yeh

Sam is from Los Angeles, California - which means she thrives in the sunshine and near an ocean. She is double majoring in Finance and Philosophy, with a minor in Applied Psychology & Human Development. She’s been a trainer since her sophomore year and is excited to work on the Lead Team to continue empowering students and growing the Bystander community. She is passionate about supporting survivors and preventing sexual violence. On campus, Sam is a Peer Wellness Coach at the Center for Student Wellness where she holds one-on-one sessions to help students create and meet goals around their mind, body, and soul. She loves this job where she can work with students on their mental health. In her free time, Sam loves spending time with friends, trying new restaurants and food, exercising, reading, cooking, and trying new coffee shops.

 Lilly Yeager, CSON ‘24,

Lilly Yeager

Lilly was born and raised in Austin, Texas but recently moved to Chatham, Massachusetts withher parents. She is a true Texan at heart and loves all things Tex-Mex (aka queso and burritos)and 90 degree heat. She is a nursing major at Boston College and is passionate aboutreproductive health, women’s health, oncology care, supporting survivors of sexual violence,and aiding underserved populations. She is excited to work at the Women’s Center in the hopesof better understanding the intersection of sexual violence and nursing care.

Outside of nursing and the Women’s Center, Lilly is involved in 4Boston, a volunteer programwhere she has had the privilege of tutoring a young girl for three years now. This upcomingyear, Lilly will be a 4Boston leader where she is responsible for leading a small group reflectionconsisting of fellow Boston College students. Lilly is also a First-Year Nursing Seminar Leadwhere she leads a weekly class for freshman nursing students to help aid in their transition toBoston College and the field of nursing. Lilly has been a participant of Appa since her freshmanyear, a service-immersion program that consists of biweekly meetings to learn about socialinjustices around the world and then a service trip to the Appalachian region over spring break.Lilly is excited to be an Appa leader this upcoming year where she will lead her own small groupto the Appalachian region to engage in service among community members. Finally, Lilly hasbeen a Bystander Intervention Advocate since her sophomore year where she has helpedorganize campus wide activities around the topics of sexual violence and healing and is lookingforward to continuing that work this year.

In her free time, Lilly enjoys running, going on walkswith her friends, hanging out with her parents, trying new (and old) coffee shops, going on roadtrips, reading a good book, and eating yummy food!

Anshika Agrawal, CSOM ‘25

Anshika Agrawal

Anshika is from Surat, a small city in Gujarat, India. She is a junior majoring in Finance and Information Systems, with a minor in Managing for Social Impact and the Public Good. She was a Bystander trainer last year and will be returning this year. It was an awesome time working with the lead team during bystander and she is thrilled to be working with more women's center folks and developing great connections! She is also involved with the AHANA Management Academy on campus and is interested in advocating for equality at workplaces for AHANA+ members. Anshika is also passionate about cultivating ESG goals and measures in the corporate ecosystem and wants to pursue a career in the field to help companies achieve balance. In her free time, she loves to dance and was on MASTI last year, she likes to thrift, and try new cafes (read: coffee addict). 

Elizabeth Anderson, MCAS ‘25

Elizabeth Anderson

Elizabeth is from Seattle, Washington which fostered her love of hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, and basically any other outdoor activity. She is majoring in Sociology with a double minor in Hispanic Studies and History. She joined the Women’s Center because she wants to cultivate a more inclusive and empowering space for students of all identities at Boston College. Elizabeth is passionate about advocacy for marginalized communities, especially as it pertains to immigrants and survivors of sexual violence. In the future, Elizabeth hopes to work as an immigration attorney, specifically representing Spanish-speakers. She is interested in reforming the justice system from the inside, ensuring all people receive due process and fair representation. 
On-campus, Elizabeth is a member of the Mock Trial Team and is Assistant Director of the Signature Events department of the Campus Activities Board. She is also a trainer for Bystander Intervention. Off-campus, Elizabeth volunteers with Project Citizenship. When she is not in class or Bapst Library, you can find Elizabeth working out, playing intramural volleyball, or hanging out with friends. Elizabeth is so thankful to be part of the Women’s Center staff and to be surrounded by such incredible people!

She is currently studying abroad in Madrid, Spain.

Emme Mackenzie, ’25

Emme Mackenzie

Emme is from Kansas City, MO and is majoring in Political Science and 全球 Health. She is extremely grateful to join the Women’s Center and cultivate new friendships while giving back to her community! Emme was first introduced to the Women’s Center through her open-mic performances at WC events and growing passion and determination to make a mark during her time at Boston College. She is interested in gender equality efforts, public health policy, and women’s health. On campus, Emme is a research assistant, a Bystander trainer, and a member of the Residence Hall Association. In her free time, she loves trying new foods, playing tennis, spending time with friends, and curling up with a good book! 

She is currently studying abroad in Cape Town, South Africa.

Senior Trainers

  • Ana Campanico
  • Kate Foshee
  • Genna Goggins
  • Chelsea Greenberg
  • Hope Kelley
  • Callie Lefebvre
  • Sofia Limperis
  • Addie Metzger
  • Chloe Miller
  • Audrey Morken
  • Erin Sudbey 
  • Will Watson
  • Lilly Yeager
  • Samantha Yeh
  • Jasmine Zhang

Junior Trainers

  • Anshika Agrawal
  • Elizabeth Anderson
  • Neave Anderson
  • Austin Ginocchio
  • Paige Graziano
  • Sophia Gregory
  • Will Heycke
  • Anna Lapin
  • Dilan Luhana
  • Emme Mackenzie
  • Caroline Macneill
  • Mary McKenna
  • Grace McShefferty
  • Shaye Meyers
  • Maria Parsekhian
  • Ashley Polimens
  • Kelly Schomber
  • Juliette Silahian
  • Harry Stayer-Suprick
  • Katie Volans

Sophomore Trainers

  • Caroline Ahn
  • Ellie Atkins
  • Cassandra Baessler 
  • Morgan Bleakley
  • Maddie Bowler
  • Ryan Campbell
  • Tsering Choedhar
  • Abigail Connon
  • Kennedy Cull 
  • Marine Degryse
  • Skyla DeSimone 
  • Caroline Do
  • Isabella Eagan 
  • Mansi Ghai
  • Merideth Greene
  • Tia Guay
  • Claire Mengel
  • Fairuz Saleh
  • Claire Stella
  • Clare Strasser
  • Ellie Sullivan
  • Sophie Vitrouk
  • Margaux Yannacci
  • Lina Zeng