鹰交换 is an interactive virtual platform that fosters connections between students and 电子游戏软件 alumni. 您可以使用鹰交换建立您的专业网络, 问与职业相关的问题, 寻找校友导师, 应用于项目来培养技能, 和更多的. 这取决于 充分利用您的鹰交换账户. 下面的指南将帮助你开始.



完成你的个人资料,为自己的成功做好准备. You will want to make a good impression when 你 begin connecting with alumni. 这个过程类似于创建LinkedIn个人资料.


  • Customize 你r profile by clicking on the circle at the top right hand corner of 你r profile. 向下滚动并单击 “我的资料”.
  • 完成个人资料的所有部分, 包括工作经验, 课程, 课外活动, 和更多的. 添加照片和摘要来帮助你的个人资料脱颖而出. 
  • 鹰交换 will curate a feed of suggested alumni for 你 to connect with based on 你r preferences. 
  • Like 你r resume and LinkedIn profile, make sure to keep 你r profile up to date.




It is highly encouraged that 你 include profile picture as a part of 你r 鹰交换 profile. Students with a profile picture are 3-4 times more likely to have ngagement than students who don't.

如果你不想附上自己的照片, 请考虑我们的一位专业人士, class-year选项:


总结是你介绍自己和品牌的机会. Here 你 can describe 你rself (what 你 study, what 你r interests are, 等.)和你使用这个平台的目标(找到一位导师), 了解更多关于某一行业的信息, 等). 在写总结的时候,记住你的听众是很重要的. 在适当的地方使用较短的文本块和项目符号列表. 给人留下深刻的第一印象, ensure that 你r summary is grammatically correct and without typing errors. 


如果您对鹰交换有任何疑问,请发送电子邮件给我们 鹰exchange@4499ku.com or 访问我们的 探访时间. 


鹰交换成功的关键是积极地接触校友. 您可以在平台上搜索和发送任何校友信息. However, alumni do not have access to search for and reach out to 你 as a student. 因此,由您来发送第一个消息.


  • “探索社区” 选项卡查看平台上的校友列表. 
  • 使用过滤器来缩小搜索范围. 你可以按行业、专业、学年等进行筛选. Based on what 你 are looking for help with, 你 can also filter by help topics. 
  • Once 你 find an interesting alum, click on the message button within their profile. You can craft 你r own message or choose a pre-written template and make it 你r own. 
  • 您可以选择请求会议或简单地发送消息. 如果你要求见面, 你 will need to select a topic 你 would like to discuss and decide how 你 would like to meet (phone, video, 等.). 
  • 点击发送并监控您的电子邮件以等待回复. 鹰汇会及时通知校友给你答复. 
  • 你可能会遇到一个你不能给他发信息的校友. 校友 can set quotas based on the number of students they are able to help at a single time. 如果你发现你不能发送消息,校友的配额已经满了. 你需要等上一两周再给他们发信息.



校友 are joining 鹰交换 because they want to help current students. 我们建议你每个月至少联系3位校友. 可能的讨论题目包括: 

  • 一般建议和网络
  • 选择专业
  • 电子游戏正规平台生或专业学校
  • 识别能力
  • 工作场所的身份
  • 模拟面试
  • 简历批判
  • 工作和生活的平衡


小组可以让你联系到和你有共同兴趣的人. 您可以加入一个组来访问选定的资源, 与会员建立联系, 参加小组讨论.


  • “组 选项卡查看所有组的列表. 鹰交换 has groups for identity and shared interests as well as every career cluster.
  • 加入任何你感兴趣的团体. 在每个组中,您可以查看成员、资源和讨论板.



The discussion board is a place 你 can learn from others or share 你r knowledge. 使用讨论板提问(匿名或以你自己的身份), 回答问题, 浏览现有的问题和答案.


  • “讨论” 选项卡. Add a question to the discussion feed by typing in the box at the top of the feed. Check the “Post anonymously” box if 你 want to post anonymously; the default is posting as 你rself.
  • 滚动讨论feed以查看问题. Use the search box in the upper right if 你’re interested in a particular topic or person. 通过点击问题下方的文本框回答问题.




作为鹰交换用户, I understand that my communication with other members of 鹰交换 is to reflect mutual respect, 礼貌, 以及其他道德标准. 因此, users of 鹰交换 are prohibited from engaging in the following actions and behaviors:

  • offensive的用法, 粗鲁的, 淫秽, and/or intolerant language and the use of similarly offensive graphic or video images.
  • Creating or sending of nuisance, harassing, or 淫秽 materials or messages.
  • Selling any product or service, soliciting contributions, or lobbying for political candidates.


As a participant of the mentorship/networking program on this 鹰交换 platform, I am preparing to professionally network and will be held to high ethical standards and responsibility. I recognize that 鹰交换 and 电子游戏软件 hold themselves and their constituents to the highest level of professional integrity and social responsibility. 我理解并同意以下政策和原则, which have been es选项卡lished to ensure my professionalism/character while interacting with others on the platform.

诚实 & 完整性:

I recognize that my actions will reflect upon me, fellow participants, and 电子游戏软件. I will provide accurate information in all materials and actions during my networking, 通信, and career-related activities while interacting on or off premises with those in the 电子游戏软件 community.


我将专业地沟通和展示自己, 在与人交往时要彬彬有礼, 以书面形式, 通过电话, 视频聊天或电子邮件),并将:

  • Manage/Monitor my digital identity content (including text, voice and picture). This includes ensuring that my voicemail messages and e-mail address are professional and make reasonable efforts to remove material professionals may deem inappropriate or unprofessional.
  • Acknowledge calls, emails and invitations, and respond appropriately in a timely manner.
  • 参加所有与其他参与者安排的一对一互动. 如有任何取消,我将在两个工作日内通知.

网络术语 & 条件:

In addition to adhering to the policies and principles on the 职业责任协议, 我将遵守以下规定:

应该做的事 & 不该做的事

  • Do 寻求建议、信息和其他电子游戏软件 
  •  ask for a job or internship Do send a brief thank 你 letter or email after networking with a contact
  •  期望网络联系人自动共享他们的网络联系人 
  • Do 跟进联系人 
  •  用多封邮件或多个电话跟踪一个联系人


  • 从项目中移除


  • 我明白,通过加入这个网站, I am opting-in to share certain profile data to other community members which may be considered to be part of my educational record under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). I have reviewed my profile and associated data and agree that this data will be shared.
  • Some or all program administrators will be able to view all information that I add to my profile and all 通信 that I send through the platform.


(我的校友导师)非常愿意给我提供诚实的建议, 更深入地了解我, 个人层面的,非常容易交谈! I felt an instant connection with her, and our conversation was very genuine. She offered me help on how best to take my next step and gave me further contacts to expand my knowledge.
(我的校友导师)对我很有帮助,鼓励我去发现自己的道路. 他不仅在告诉我他自己的工作方面很有帮助, but also through his willingness to look over my resume and connect in the future.
[My 校友 Mentor] gave awesome advice and connected to me to valuable resources and opportunities (one at her own company). 她甚至提出给我写一封推荐信!